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Lemons Ka Funda – One Minute Party Games | Party Games | Team Building Games
Things Required
A basket full of lemons
An empty basket
Two tables
How To Play
Divide the players into teams of 8 players.
Let the team stand in two vertical columns facing each other in a zig zag way.
Mark a starting line and a finishing line say 20 feet apart.
Keep one table at the starting point and one at the finishing line.
Keep one basket full of lemons at the starting point and one empty basket at the finishing line.
The game is that the players have to pass the lemons one by one by tossing them from the starting point to finishing point.
The last player will put the lemons in the empty basket. In case the lemon falls down while tossing, it will not be counted.
Time limit is one minute.
The team who has collected the maximum lemons in the basket wins!!